Thursday, September 1, 2011

“The Most Dangerous Game”

If i were Rainsford I would not have chosen to kill General Zaroff, because even though he is sick and twisted in his "games" that he plays he is still a human being and killing him just just becoming equal; with him instead or being a better person. I would of chose a better path and wouldn't even be a that kind of person and would make friends with my enemies which would have been General Zaroff obviously. The plot would have changed drastically, had i not killed him our conversations toward the end of his life would have been less of a game. i would refuse to play his mind games and allow him to live his life with his vicious dogs. Like I had said I would not have killed him I would of just let him get humans and put them in the forest and then just hunt them. If thats what he wanted to do then I should of just let him do his own thing.  


  1. Even if Rainsford didn't play the game, I think he would have died. Do you think General Zaroff would have just let him go?

  2. I think he would have not let him go
